latest 8 messages by trix`G

+ [2017-05-19T17:01:19Z] trix`G but it seems to be working, thanks!
+ [2017-05-19T17:01:15Z] trix`G I'm on an OpenPandora, but the opkg package manager for Angstrom is similar enough to debian "opkg install git" rather than "apt-get install git"
+ [2017-05-19T16:58:44Z] trix`G that's on my PC, on my ARM machine the command "git" was not even found
+ [2017-05-19T16:58:18Z] trix`G unfortunately it compiled great but trying to run the program produces only an error. Which is not github's fault so thank you!
+ [2017-05-19T16:57:53Z] trix`G ok thank you
+ [2017-05-19T16:46:46Z] trix`G I'm on an ARM platform and have gcc all set up and ready, I just need to know what console commands to use to get the source from github?
+ [2017-05-19T16:46:23Z] trix`G I've never used github before, but I'm trying to download and compile this program:
+ [2017-05-19T16:45:59Z] trix`G hello